Harvests are definitely picking up here. The Green Tiger zucchini finally made a squash that did not rot, and once the first one was ready they just kept coming. The zucchini, eggplant and okra went into a stir fry, also the Health Kick sauce tomato. This is the first time growing this tomato, and it's a winner, productive, tasty, and early.
A few days later, another squash, another Health Kick tomato, a Jimmy Nardello sweet pepper and a few Provider bush beans.
Later in the week I pulled up the onions and put them on a screen to dry. Most of the onions are Pontiac, a storage onion from Johnny's, with a few Ruby Ring and red cippolini onions. The Ruby Ring seed was 4 years old, proven that onion seed can last a while if kept in the refrigerator. The onions are small this year. Normally I would expect 25 pounds of onion from a 4' x 6' patch, but I doubt if there is half of that amount this year.
Over the weekend, more cucumbers. They look like they are about done from fungal disease, but still keep sending new shoots and producing a few more cucumbers. I think cucumbers are the most variable producers of any vegetable, you never know if it will be a glut or nothing from one year to the next. Also, another zucchini. Time to grate and freeze.
Sunday, at long last, a nice picking of Provider bush beans, over a pound. The pole beans are not looking good this year. After the initial decimation by the rabbits, I had to buy Kentucky Wonder beans off the rack at the lumber store to replace the Fortex beans that were lost to the bunnies, and they just aren't doing that well. It looks like the bean production will come mostly from planting of bush beans.
To see what other growers are getting out of their gardens, head on over to Our Happy Acres and check it out.
Looks like we are both depending on bush beans this year! My pole bean seed rotted due to rains. And my onions were too small to even bother cleaning up and bring in. Looks like you did get quite a few even if they were smaller than usual.
Nice harvests, Mike! I think your onions are great despite not giving you what you expected. Good to know the seed lasts a lot longer than they say. I keep mine in the freezer; do you think that's too cold for them?
All of these vegetables look fantastic. When I look at pictures of your garden I almost want to kick myself that I go to the grocery store everyday to buy my vegetables. Thanks for the share, keep up the posts.
World of Animals
I think the heat is getting to a lot of veg in the garden - I'm wondering if that is the cause behind the smaller onion harvest. I agree about cucumbers - I've found that having a few different varieties helps - I plant at least 4 different varieties and even when one fails, another one usually steps up to the plate.
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